Creation : 25 May 2016, Théâtre de Hautepierre, Strasbourg, France
Duration : 15′

Aurélien Marion-Gallois has composed two works for two Percustra workshops that will take place from November 2015 to May 2016 in schools. The first one, supervised by François Papirer, took place with the 5th B class of the Erasme college. The second one, supervised by Keiko Nakamura, with the CE1/CE2 class from Ecole Jacqueline. As a composer, the main challenge of the PERCUSTRA project is that Percussions De Strasbourg – inseparable from the cultural activity of the city of Strasbourg, with its strong involvement in musical creation – offers the possibility for children who are not initiated to music to get to know, access and participate in this activity. Through an instrumentarium accompanied by new technologies and through a theme based on the four elements (Fire-Air-Earth-Water), my intervention consists, through an intuitive and playful approach (in the form of musical games allowing an assimilation of certain musical gestures and thus favouring a better approach and understanding of the language of contemporary music) to prepare the pupils in the execution and realisation of a musical composition. An open score, with spaces to be filled in, will be proposed to them in order to lead them both to the interpretation of previously conceived musical structures and at the same time to the discovery, research, formalisation and musical realisation of an idea that will be proposed to them. Accompanied by François Papirer and Keiko Nakamura (members of the Percussions de Strasbourg), we will try to make them aware of the importance of listening to sound; music is: feeling, listening and then playing.

Aurélien Marion-Gallois