Rémi Schwartz

Born in 1991, Rémi Schwartz studied percussions in la Haute Ecole des Arts du Rhin in 2011 with Emmanuel Séjourné, Stéphane Fougeroux and Denis Riedinger, from which he graduated with a Master’s degree in 2017, with honours. He was awarded two international First Prizes (2010, PAS Italy / 2013, ConUco Cordoba), as well as the Prize of Ville de Strasbourg in 2011 and performs as a soloist with several orchestras and instrumental ensembles (Cordoba Symphony, Strasbourg Philharmonic, Ukho Ensemble). He is a co-creating member of the Baka Trio, with whom he performs all over France, offering original creations imagined for young audiences (shows, workshops, musical classes, film-concerts). Strongly committed to pedagogy, he teaches percussions at the Besançon Regional Conservatory (Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Besançon).