Creation: 25 May 2016, Théâtre de Hautepierre, Strasbourg, France
Duration: 15′
H1 by Minh-Tâm Nguyen is a work written for the Percustra workshop “Percussions et nouvelles technologies” which took place from January to May 2016 in Hautepierre, Strasbourg.
Histones are nuclear proteins associated with DNA. They participate in the formation of chromatin, and the level of DNA condensation during mitosis depends on the presence of these molecules. They are associated to form nucleosomes around which the DNA is wrapped. It takes 8 histones (4 different types: H2A,H2B,H3,H4) to form a nucleosome. Six individuals from different backgrounds, wandering in a world of sound genetically modified by electronic inflections and modulations, cross, associate and discover each other in a (so) familiar environment. A seventh character (a little rebellious and resistant) constitutes, in spite of himself, the source of this association and is in turn fixed on the whole. The fifth type of histone (H1) is in turn fixed to the whole (histones + DNA) and stabilises the winding of DNA on the nucleosome. Instruments, of course, but little … and then, a little modified anyway. But above all, bodies in movement… Circulation, connections, glances. A journey. In the end… A return to such a familiar environment…
Minh-Tâm Nguyen