Composition & concept : Thierry De Mey
Artistic Direction : Minh-Tâm Nguyen
Performers : Minh-Tâm Nguyen, Alexandre Esperet, Olivia Martin, François Papirer, Thibaut Weber, Enrico Pedicone, Hsin-Hsuan Wu, Rémi Schwartz
Collaborator to musical creation: François Deppe
Space Staging : Thomas Guerry
Body movement coach: Manuela Rastadi
Stage manager : Laurent Fournaise
Sound : Olivier Pfeiffer
Detailed pieces: Intro, Duo S, Affordance, Pièce de gestes, Musique de tables, Timelessness, Silence must be ! (part 1), Floor pattern,Silence must be ! (part 2), Hands*, Frisking,Silence must be ! (part 3)
*Concept & choreography: Wim Vandekeybus / Concept & music: Thierry De Mey
Production & Commission : Percussions de Strasbourg
Coproduction : Festival Musica
The composer has received a grant for the writing of an original musical piece from the French Ministry of Culture and the support of the Wallonie-Bruxelles federation, general service of Artistic Creation.
With the support of Francis et Mica Salabert Foundation and the Aquatique Show Foundation.
With Timelessness, Thierry De Mey has created a sort of self-portrait, combining old and new pieces in the same show. It is a project that took shape over time, which he describes as an «artistic and political manifesto». The composer’s commitment is above all to the body and its development in musical practice. Where a taboo deeply marks our history, in particular by neutralizing the presence of musicians wearing black clothes, Thierry De Mey gives «visibility» to the performers and integrates into his writing the exposure of their gestures and postures. There is nothing simplistic about the resulting economy of means: for proof, one of his masterpieces, Musique de Tables (1987), in which the performers only have three tables. Hands, fingers, nails, palms and phalanges are the instruments of this body theatre. The Percussions de Strasbourg take over the score to bring out its formidable scenic and musical potential.

- 19 September 2019 – Festival Musica, Strasbourg
- 21 November 2019 – Festival Aujourd’hui Musiques, Théâtre de l’Archipel – Scène Nationale, Perpignan, France
- 4 & 5 November 2020 – Théâtre de Hautepierre, Strasbourg, France (cancelled)
- 1 April 2021 – Théâtre des Quatre Saisons, Gradignan, France (cancelled)
- 15 May 2021 – Muziekcentrum De Bijloke, Gent, Belgique (cancelled)
- 10 November 2021 – Théâtre de Hautepierre, Strasbourg, France
- 12 December 2021 – Théatre de Béthune, Béthune, France
- 15 December 2021 – Le Parvis Scène National, Tarbes, France
- 18 June 2022 – Festival international de Percussions, Opéra de Lausanne, Switzerland
- 1 June 2024 – Festival, screening at the Angleterre Cinema Lounge, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
- 8 June 2024 – Centre Pompidou, Festival ManiFeste by IRCAM, Paris, France